Historic Preservation
In 2018, New York City residents Stuart Gross and Marlena Parker relocated to Charleston and bought the property at 62 Queen Street in the city’s historic French Quarter. The couple's vision was to bring the building and its heritage back to life, paying homage to the history born within its walls.
When they first noticed the property for sale, they were delighted with its downtown location and the significant backstory behind the structure. But the building was in general disrepair following extended periods of neglect. So for more than two years, Gross and Parker painstakingly restored the property and enlarged it for the enjoyment of generations to come. The restoration was completed with comprehensive guidance from the Charleston Board of Architectural Review.

The couple also worked extensively with preservation experts to have the building listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. This recognition celebrates the home's former owner Dianna Brown, who navigated through divisions of race and class to carve out a niche for herself in Charleston’s burgeoning antiquities market. Brown was the first Black woman in the city to enter the antiques trade in 1913, working until her death in 1949. Despite major limitations placed on women of color in the early 20th century, Brown's antique shop at 62 Queen thrived. A successful entrepreneur, Brown developed an impressive business network across the country.
Thanks to the restoration and addition to the property, the premises now features beautiful spaces designed with artistic flair and panache. And in October of 2019, a portion of the first floor became the home of Harken Cafe and Bakery, a welcoming noshery in the neighborhood.
Gross and Parker are proud to be part of historic preservation efforts in Charleston, and their restoration at 62 Queen Street is an exciting addition to this vibrant city's celebration of its past!